Richard Kattman
Premiato artista/architetto paesaggista/fotografo
Arte di Richard Kattman; Presidente/Kattman Corporation, 24 Water Street, Holliston, MA 01746

Gallery Talk/Fontana Street Fine Art 2016

"Ovest del sole" Acrilico 6'x6' su tela VENDUTO
ARTE SAATCHI; Los Angeles, California, Stati Uniti; Londra, Inghilterra;
SINGULART, Parigi, Francia,

Landscape Design for a Massachusetts Residence

Color Rendering of Property Plan

Landscape Architectural Design Boston Magazine Best Secret Garden, 2012
Architettura del paesaggio
Kattman Corporation offers award-winning landscape architecture and land planning services as Art, as stewards of the land, promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the public, working in the context of nature to develop "green" solutions to benefit mankind and the planet.
© 2014 di Richard Kattman